As with many aspects of risk management the issue of compliance has often been an afterthought by many businesses. The aftermath of the 2007/8 financial crisis has seen the compliance sector grow exponentially as businesses, albeit mostly in the financial sector, have scrambled to recruit staff in attempts to meet new regulatory requirements.
Whilst claiming to be putting their houses in order it is apparent that many businesses continue to stumble from one compliance crisis to the next. In our experience this is not necessary a compliance issue but a management enforcement issue with weak boards and CEO’s out of touch with what is actually happening in the “engine rooms” of their businesses.
The Moylan Consulting compliance team works closely with the legal sector and many government regulatory agencies to keep up to date with current and incoming legislation. Our operational remits include assisting with the implementation of robust anti-money laundering (AML) programs as well as other compliance programs designed to address both global and local regulatory controls such as banking secrecy, data protection, privacy laws and others.
What we offer:
Compliance Program Design
Internal Audit and Control Reviews
Regulatory Authority Liaison
Outsourced Compliance and Regulatory Checks
AML Training Programs
Business Monitoring